Department of Medicine

The Department of Medicine has come a long way since its inception as an undifferentiated clinical depa​rtment in 1986, with its original seven full-time faculty members. Today, the department is the largest department in terms of number of faculty. The department has nine specialties in which faculty with diverse experience is serving the patients, educating students, training residents and conducting high quality research. The Department of Medicine is recognised for the scope and quality of the clinical services it provides, its research activities and excellent scholarly productivity and by the size and success of its undergraduate​ and postgraduate programmes for teaching and training medical students, residents and fellows.  The Department of Medicine was the first clinical department at AKU to expand its residency training programme to four years, as mandated by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan. ​

Specialty Areas

Section Head: Dr Osman Faheem

Section Head: Dr Qamar Masood

Section Head: Dr Om Parkash

  • Dermatology

Section Head: Dr Saadia Tabassum​

  • Infectious Diseases​

Section Head: Dr Nosheen Nasir

Section Head: Dr Mehmood Riaz

Section Head: Dr Sonia Yaqub

Section Head: Dr Muhammad Irfan​

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Message from the Chair
Our mission is to provide exceptional, patient-centered care while advancing medical research and education. We are committed to fostering an environment where innovation, collaboration, and compassion drive everything we do.