Clinical and Translational Research Incubator - CITRIC

Established in 2020 by AKU Medical College's Dean's Office, CITRIC is designed to serve as a designated space for clinical and translational research. The incubator is a momentous step towards realising His Highness the Aga Khan's founding vision of AKU as a globally-recognised research university. Research continues to be a priority; in his 2020 address, pertaining to the pandemic, the Chancellor stated:
"AKU aims to be as relevant for the next global health crisis as it has been for this one. Today, AKU is building its capacity for cutting-edge research applicable to the distinctive health risks for populations in Asia and Africa. It will seek to harness the enormous potential of advances in artificial intelligence, genomic medicine and stem cell science to address tomorrow’s challenges, as well as today’s".
The CITRIC Space

The incubator is divided into two spaces: CITRIC Main (left), CITRIC Junior (right)
CITRIC's beneficiaries span senior leadership, faculty, researchers, staff, fresh medical graduates and students.