Departmen​t of Paediatrics and Child Health

The Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at Aga Khan University provides clinical services to children up to the age of 18 years. Our undergraduate and postgraduate training and underta​ke community-​oriented research of public health importance. ​​​

For patients and parents: FAQs and case studies

Treating a hole in a child's heart without surgery
​​Palliative care: ​The doctor with​ the degree in difficult​​ conversations​
​​Bereavement tray service launched for families of children receiving End-of-Life care at AKUH
How pills beat potions for HIV positive babies​
10 things parents should know before getting house ‘fumigation’​
​Baby gut health beyond breastmilk​
AKU specialists challenged by rare triple genetic, congenital, heart disorder in 6-year-old from Karachi​​

How to start giving your newborn baby tummy time​​
You asked: Is it safe for children to keep getting the polio vaccine?
Does my child really need an inhaler? ​

Our vaccine research​ to prevent dise​​​​ase in Pakistan's children

Pneu​​mococcal Vaccine research & resources
Hepatitis E vaccine for pregnant women (Hecolin) study
​History of AKU's contribution to Pakistan'​s vaccine programme
Maternal Immunisation platform​
​​You asked: Is it safe for children to keep getting the polio vaccine?​
Your top questions about HMPV ​​or Human Metapneumovirus answered by AKU experts
Human papillomavirus​ ​in Pakistan​
Pregnant in November? Get your Influenza vaccine

P​​aediatric Critical Care Medicine

Course: Paediatric Critical Care Medicine, basics to bedside
AKU ICU team helps babies 'expire' better in Hyderabad​​
Myths about critical care
​Conscious sedation for children​
​AKU specialist contributes to global definition of acute paediatric critical illn​ess​
Pae​diatric Code Blue camp

A​KU ​​research leading to national policies

​Possible Serious Bacterial Infection Guidelines​

Newborn Screening​ to catch genetically passed on conditions early in children

Wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 in Karachi​​
AKU researchers study Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness, booster dose power 
​AKU neonatologists contribute to Pakistan guidelines for newborn care
AKU helps Pakistan become first country to integrate polio tracking system​

Take a workshop with us or attend a talk​​ ​

​​​​Research 101 - 8-week VLE course [OPEN].jpg​​

​Clinical Service

Clinical Service
Timings & Centres Make an appointment​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Academics & Training

Academics & Training
Degrees & Workshops Learn ​M​ore​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Research & Trials

Research & Studies
Disease Burden & Surveillance Explore​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Child Development & Rehabilitation Center

Child Developme​​nt & Rehabilitation Center Conditions we treat​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Field Sites

Our four community-based research sites in Karachi



Research Labs

For metagenomics, nutrition and infectious disease.



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Message from the Chair
Professor Dr Fyezah Jehan
A team of clinicians, researchers and teachers putting science to the service of Pakistan's children