Welcome to the Research Groups of the Aga Khan University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Karachi. Each Group is focused on a particular theme and is multi-disciplinary, comprising of faculty from two or more departments or institutes. Research Groups have a track record of publications and extramural funding. To learn more about any Research Group, please click on the links below:
Antimicrobial Resistance
Antiviral Research Network
Bone and Mineral Diseases
Biorepository and Omics
Breast diseases, detection, treatment and genetics
Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation
Cardiac Function
Cardio-metabolic Risk Mitigation
Child Protection
Childhood Leukaemia
Colorectal Cancer
Community-based Newborn Care
Critical Care
Developmental Origin of Health and Disease
Diabetes and Lifestyle
Emerging Infectious Diseases
Environmental and Occupational Health
Environmental Enteric Dysfunction
Etiology and Prevalence of Renal Calculi
Fungal Infection
Functional Foods / Complementary Therapies in Cardiometabolic Disorders
Health Policy and Systems
Head and Neck Cancers
Innovation and Incubation
Malaria and Parasitic Diseases
Maternal and Child Nutrition
Mental health matters
Mycobacterial drug resistance and diagnostics
Newborn Care
Occupational Health
Opioid Alternatives for the Developing World
Population and Reproductive Health
Pulmonary Infections
Professionalism in Health Professions Education
Prostate Cancer
Systems Virology and Molecular Epidemiology
Teaching and Learning in Health Professions Education
Tuberculosis and Diabetes
Undergraduate Medical Education: Curriculum Development and Evaluation
Urban Health and Nutrition
Violence and Injury in Pakistan