1. Biological Sciences
Doctoral training in this stream aims to strengthen the candidate’s knowledge in areas including anatomy, biochemistry, cell biology, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology and physiology as per their expertise. We offer core as well as stream specific courses that allow candidate to enhance their discipline specific knowledge.
2. Clinical Sciences

Clinical research involves interactions with patients, diagnostic clinical materials or data, or populations in the following areas: (1) disease mechanisms (etiopathogenesis); (2) clinical knowledge, detection, diagnosis and natural history of disease; (3) therapeutic interventions including clinical trials of drugs, devices and instruments; (4) translational research; (5) behavioural research. This may also include health services research, including outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Doctoral-level training in clinical sciences will strengthen candidate knowledge in a specific clinically important area with applications of research methodologies for conducting diverse clinical research.
3. Nursing

The focus of this stream is to provide candidates with a rigorous training in research that is offered through coursework and 1-1 mentorship. The programme aims to develop clinical scholars and academics who are capable of scientific inquiry for innovative practice and knowledge development, with a focus on human health caring. Candidates will be required to produce an original piece of research that is important for human health from the perspective of nursing.
4. Population and Public Health
To meet growing needs of well-trained and qualified public health professionals, The program employs multidisciplinary approaches in research and training to identify and address local, national and global public health challenges. The overall goal of this initiative is to develop the scientific evidence and workforce for the promotion of health and well-being in populations, through research initiatives and service delivery to the communities.
Our doctoral program is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of candidates such as health professionals, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, social and behavioral scientists, environmental scientists and health administrators with an interest in population health. The programme provides a broad knowledge of population and public health through courses and in-depth studies. During thesis, students pursue scientific discovery on diverse public health matters such as Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition, Childhood Vaccination, Community Empowerment Strategies, Unintentional Injuries, Nutrition Friendly School Initiatives and Health System Cost for Universal Health Coverage. Through advanced training in research and public health, students are prepared for leadership in academia along with opportunities for personal and professional development.
There are many opportunities for interaction and mentorship with experienced local and international faculty members and professionals for pursuing impactful research.