Department of Ob​stetrics and ​​Gynaecology​

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Obgyn) was commissioned in the year 1986 and was re-configurated as part of the Division of Women and child health in 2009. Obgyn offers wide range of academic programs and clinical services. The academic programs cater to undergraduate medical students, interns, FCPS and MCPS residents, Fellows and Physicians. It offers residency program to a total of 34 candidates and Fellowship program in sub-specialty of Uro-Gynaecology, Gynecological-Oncology and Fetal Mater​nal Medicine.​  


Our academic mission is to train and develop medical student and trainees as safe surgeons and to advance the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology through translational research. We work towards the mission by integrating education and research with clinical services​.

The department provides educational activities to a wider range of audience for gynecologists and physicians working in the community through a comprehensive and intensive Continuing Medical Education programs.​​