Does my child really need an inhaler? 

​Dr Danish Aziz explains the two different types of inhalers and why he recommends them over nebulisers​

Your child could have Asthma if they have discomfort that starts with a cough that grows. They may experience bouts of coughing or shortness of breath. They can start making a whistle-like sound or wheeze when they breathe. Their chest can moves fast when they do this. If you see any of these signs  it could be Asthma or 'Dama' as they call it in Urdu. 

In Winter viral infections can also give children these symptoms but people with Asthma keep experiencing them. We call this Reactive Airway Disease. 

The best way to manage for the child is to use a ventolin inhaler or a nebuliser machine with a ventolin solution  

The blue inhaler should always be kept at home for emergencies. If your child goes to school, the school staff should know how to use it if your child needs it while there. 

The inhaler has a spacer device, which attaches to the end, so the child can easily breathe in the medicine. ​​The blue inhaler works quickly. 

In the long run, if you want to keep your child's airways clear you can use the pink or purple inhalers which different companies make. Their purpose  is to constantly prevent swelling in the child's airways.

Some parents ask if they really need to use an inhaler. ​An inhaler is the most effective way to get the medicine directly to the lung. If you had an eye infection, you'd put drops directly in the eye. That is why we recommend inhalers and prefer them to nebulisers in terms of the direct delivery of the medicine where it is needed.​