​​Bone health and ​calcium metabolism disorders in children

​​Bones are primarily composed of mineralized deposits of calcium and phosphate. Maintaining healthy bones during childhood and adolescence is crucial to prevent fractures and bone-related issues later in life.Bone disorders are chara​​cterized by abnormalities in the processing of calcium or phosphate. These disorders can affect the absorption, transport, storage, and use of these minerals.

Common problems with bone health, calcium, and phosphate disorders are:
1. Rickets Vitamin D deficiency
2. Low bone density and osteoporosis 
3. Osteogenesis imperfecta
4. X-linked hypophosphatemia
5. Primary hypoparathyroidism and hyperparathyroidism

​​How do we diagnose bone and calcium problems? 

  1. Physical examination: physicians will conduct a thorough physical examination and review a child’s medical history to narrow down potential causes of their symptoms.
  2. Blood test: If a physician suspects a bone disease, they will request a bone metabolic profile blood test to assess the patient's bone health 
  3. X-ray Imaging: X-ray imaging will be employed to identify any abnormalities in a child's bones.
  4. Bone Density Scan: This scan is commonly used to diagnose osteoporosis and can also assess a child's risk of developing fractures.

​How do you treat bone and calcium problems in children? 

​The child's treatment plan will depend on the underlying condition causing bone disease.