6th Annual ​Research Week 2024
Innovations in Paediatric Care, Bridging Research and Practice

Call for abstract_.jpgCall for Abstracts

​​Please read these abstract submission guidelines, before submitting your form:

•             You may submit as many abstracts as you like as a presenter or first author.
•             Each abstract should consist of work done in the last three years (published, presented, in process, etc).
•             Submissions are welcome from the full spectrum of scientific research including prospective studies, retrospective studies, case series, case reports and imaging (radiological, clinical and pathological).
•             Abstract(s) should not exceed 300 words and should cover introduction/objective, methods, results and recommendation/conclusion.
•             Select the most appropriate section for your abstract.  
•             Three keywords are mandatory.
•             Abstract submission deadline: July 31, 2024

Abstract submission formhttps://forms.gle/fE68cT2wV3P2fUir6

​​Workshop proposals

All Paediatric specialties are invited to send their workshop proposals. The committee will select the best workshops according to the theme.

Please send workshop proposals via this Google Form latest by Sunday, June 30, 2024

Conference Chair: Dr Junaid Iqbal 

Scientific committee chair: Dr Imran Nisar 

Workshop  committee chair: Dr Waqas 

Organizing committee chair: M. Asfand Yar


5th Research Week 2023

5th Research Week Inaugural Program Sept 1, 2023.pdf

5th Research Day Agenda Sept 2 2023.pdf

Photos: Facebook Photo Album