​​Empowering Sustainability:​ The Green Lab Assembly

Farhat Jahan, Charge Technologist & sectional QC Co-Ordinator

Department of Chemical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine​​​​​


On June 5, 2024, the Clinical Chemistry section of the Chemical Pathology Department hosted the vibrant Green Lab Assembly, a remarkable event that coincided perfectly with World Environment Day. This special occasion provided an ideal platform to promote sustainability and environmental stewardship, aiming to engage all staff in activities that underscored the critical importance of a Green Lab. The event fostered a strong sense of unity and shared purpose among participants.

The program was led by the esteemed chairperson Dr Erum Khan, offering a day filled with engaging and inspiring activities focused on eco-friendly initiatives. The faculty began by introducing the Green Lab team, with each member delivering a brief, impactful speech on the significance and environmental benefits of their initiatives. The manager detailed the strides made over the past two years to reduce paper usage, such as implementing online reporting, double-sided printing, and an online quality control review process, encouraging staff to print only when necessary.

Staff training and education were pivotal points of discussion. The initiatives included online education through a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and online assessments, both aimed at saving paper and time. Waste disposal practices were thoroughly addressed, emphasizing the segregation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste and ensuring safe chemical disposal. Energy-saving measures were another key topic, including the shutdown of small equipment during off-hours, proper closure of fume hoods, and regular maintenance of freezers and refrigerators. The use of energy-efficient computers and lighting was also highlighted.

The assembly proceeded to introduce various components of the Green Lab, such as water management, energy management, waste management, and chemical management. To enhance engagement, a quiz on Green Lab initiatives and environmental issues was conducted. Participants who answered correctly were rewarded with beautiful table plants. Additionally, plants were given to staff members who opted for the stairs over the lift and to those actively participating in Green Lab initiatives.

The Green Lab Assembly not only celebrated environmental achievements but also reinforced the commitment to sustainable practices within the department.​​​