​​Empowering Healthcare Workers in Patient Safety

Till date, the Centre for Patient Safety (CPS) has trained 1700+ healthcare workers in quality and patient safety within and outside Aga Khan University (AKU).

The Centre has conducted the following modules and workshops during 2021-24.

​No of Participants
​Module for Interns
​S​ession on​ safety culture for Master's students
​Session on the science of safety for Master's students
​Module for undergrad nursing students
​Module for undergrad medical students
Module for Interns
Workshop quality improvement projects and tools
Grand round safety culture
​Module for undergrad nursing students

Grand round quality improvement project and tools

Module for undergrad medical students 

Module for undergrad nursing students 
Module for undergrad medical students 
Module for undergrad nursing students 

Workshop on quality and patient safety 

​Module for undergrad nursing students
Webinar quality improvement approaches and tools 
​Module for undergrad medical students
