Section of Internal M​edicine

Section Head: Dr Mehmood Riaz​

The Section of Internal Medicine coordinates all of the inpatient medicine ward service activities of the Department of Medicine and is responsible for the internship and residency training programmes. Prior to the creation of new subspeciality sections within the Department in 2000, the Section of General Internal Medicine was composed of 11 full-time and 12 non-full-time faculty members with specialised training and expertise in diabetes, endocrinology, rheumatology, infectious diseases, nephrology, dermatology, nutrition, and general internal medicine.

The faculty provides consultation services to surgical, ICU, OB-GYN and other medical specialities both in ambulatory and inpatient settings. Members of the Section are actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, curriculum development, and research. With coordination by Dr Muhammad Tariq and Dr Bushra Jamil, the Section administers the Department's successful FCPS Course designed to improve the passage rate on MRCP and FCPS examinations for medical house staff. The course is offered twice yearly to both Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) and non-AKUH candidates throughout Karachi. The course will be open to internists, family practitioners and general practitioners throughout.

​Services at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi​​​