Interview Recorded by Dr Hafsa Majid​​​

Interviewee: Dr. Lena Jafri​​​​ ​

Dr. Lena Jafri is a faculty member in the Section of Chemical Pathology, a visionary leader and is renowned for her commitment to sustainable practices and innovation. Dr. Jafri has spearheaded numerous initiatives to transform traditional lab operations into eco-friendly, energy-efficient models. Her dedication to green lab practices has not only elevated the standards of environmental responsibility but also inspired positive change within the Dept. of Pathology and Lab Med. We asked her about her Green Lab Initiative and below are her responses. 

​​1. ​​​​​​​What was your vision and goals for the green lab initiatives, and how do they align with our organization's overall mission?

Our vision for the Green Lab initiatives was to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly environment within our Section of Chemical Pathology in the Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine. The goals included decluttering laboratory spaces, implementing practices for reusing materials, establishing recycling systems, and optimizing energy usage to reduce our carbon footprint. These initiatives align perfectly with our organization's overall mission of promoting responsible and ethical practices in healthcare. By adopting green lab practices, we not only contribute to environmental conservation but also demonstrate our commitment to delivering healthcare in a manner that prioritizes sustainability. Me and my Assistant Manager Ms. Rizwana Kausar attended the 2022 IFCC Conference in South Korea,  representing Pakistan and learned about the Green Lab concept. This initiative, emphasizing decluttering, reusing, recycling, and energy saving, promoting sustainability in clinical labs. Inspired by AKU's successful green initiatives, we aimed to implement similar practices in our Chemical Pathology Section. Rizwana proposed a Green Lab project upon her return, which I eagerly embraced and spearheaded.​

2.​ ​​​​​How did you motivate and engaged the team to embrace and sustain green practices in their daily activities?

​We motivated and engaged the team by highlighting the benefits of green practices, such as cost savings and environmental impact reduction. Through regular communication, training sessions, and recognition of achievements, we instilled a sense of ownership and responsibility, fostering a culture of sustainability in their daily activities.


3. What have been the most significant challenges in implementation phase, how have you successfully addressed them, and how will you ensure their long-term sustainability and impact?

One of the most significant challenges during the implementation phase has been ensuring that our green lab practices align with existing regulatory requirements like CAP standards. This required careful adjustments and additional time and effort to ensure compliance while maintaining our sustainability goals. We are addressing this challenge by gradually investing in infrastructure upgrades and energy-efficient equipment, supported by collaboration among stakeholders and institutional backing. Another challenge has been the establishment of a Green procurement Policy, which is crucial for acquiring eco-friendly instruments and infrastructure for our lab setup. To overcome this, we have advocated for the development and implementation of such a policy within our institute. In terms of ensuring long-term sustainability and impact, ongoing efforts will focus on regular monitoring and evaluation of our green lab initiatives. We will continue to education our technologists and faculty in the clinical lab about best green lab practices and seek institutional support to maintain momentum and drive further progress. Additionally, incorporating green practices into our standard operating procedures and training programs will help embed sustainability into our lab culture for the future.


4. What are your plans for the future of the green lab?

For future, incorporating sustainable eco-friendly lab practices into our long-term lab planning is imperative. The urgency of addressing sustainability goals stems from the recognition that our current lab practices, if left unchecked, can have detrimental consequences. Climate change, resource depletion, and pollution are among the pressing challenges Pakistan is facing. By adopting sustainable practices, we not only mitigate these challenges but also set an example for our peers and future generations. In response to the challenges faced during the implementation phase of our Green Lab initiatives, we have developed a comprehensive Green Lab checklist that can be effectively implemented. This checklist can serve as a practical guide to ensure that our lab practices align with sustainability goals while meeting regulatory requirements like CAP standards. The growing emphasis on sustainability in global healthcare, along with AKU's support for sustainable initiatives, signals a promising shift towards environmentally conscious decision-making and investment in sustainable solutions. Starting with a Green Team at the Section level, we are expanding efforts to the departmental level with support from our Chair. Establishing a Green Taskforce may represent the future direction for our department.​


Interview Recorded by Dr Hafsa Majid​​​

Interviewee: Ms Rizwana Kausar ​

Ms. Rizwana Kausar, Assistant Manager, Clinical Chemistry, is a dynamic advocate for sustainability within laboratory settings, recognized for her exceptional contributions to promoting green initiatives. As a seasoned professional with expertise in lab management and operations, Ms. Kausar has played a pivotal role in implementing innovative strategies to minimize waste, conserve resources, and reduce the environmental footprint of laboratory facilities. We asked her about the Green Lab Initiative and below are her responses. 

1. Can you describe your specific role in the green lab initiatives and highlight any particular projects you have led or contributed to significantly?

I co-lead the Green Lab project with Dr. Lena Jafri, the Section Head, aiming to reduce our carbon footprint by lowering energy usage, cutting waste generation, and conserving resources. Our initial focus was on fostering a culture of environmental awareness within the clinical chemistry section. Through small group discussions, laboratory professionals were educated on the environmental impact of their work and the importance of sustainable practices. This led to a shared understanding and commitment to environmental responsibility. Employees now actively promote green lab practices, demonstrating personal accountability and fostering a supportive environment for the project's success and continuity.

A notable initiative of this project is the reduction of paper usage. This effort began with identifying areas for improvement and implementing targeted solutions, such as transitioning to electronic reporting and conducting electronic reviews of Levey-Jennings charts of routine chemistry and immunoassay tests . By moving away from traditional paper-based methods, the project aimed to streamline processes, reduce waste, and lower our environmental impact. This transition not only improved efficiency but also demonstrated our commitment to sustainable practices in the clinical chemistry section.


2. How do you incorporate green practices into daily work routines, and can you provide an example of a successful green project you've implemented?

Incorporating green practices into daily work routines is crucial for sustainability. For example, we have implemented several initiatives to reduce our environmental impact in our daily operations including. Ensuring lights and instruments are switched off when not in use, wherever possible. Turning off fume hoods and closing sashes when not in use. Regularly organizing and defrosting freezers to improve energy efficiency. Promoting double-sided printing to minimize paper consumption. These efforts are not only aimed at reducing our carbon footprint but also at fostering a more sustainable work environment.

3. What  are the challenges in adopting green practices, and how can overcome them to ensure the initiatives' success?

Adopting green practices often comes with challenges, but overcoming these obstacles is crucial for the success of sustainability initiatives. In Pakistan, there are no existing examples of Green Labs, so we have been actively researching and implementing various best practices ourselves. Since Green Labs is a voluntary initiative, finding the extra time and resources to educate ourselves on different green practices can be challenging. Ensuring that green practices comply with regulatory standards is also challenging. Some green technologies or practices may involve higher upfront costs, which can be a barrier, especially if there is limited budget allocation. Implementing new technologies or systems, such as energy-efficient equipment, may require technical expertise that is not readily available.

To overcome these challenges and ensure the success of green initiatives, several strategies can be employed: Having strong support from leadership and management is essential. Working with suppliers, stakeholders, and industry partners can provide access to expertise, resources, and support in adopting green practices. Regularly evaluating and adjusting green practices based on feedback and results ensures that initiatives remain effective and relevant.


4. How have the green lab initiatives impacted your professional development, and what valuable lessons have you learned from being involved in these projects?

Participating in green lab initiatives has significantly impacted my professional development. These initiatives have provided invaluable lessons in sustainability practices and highlighted their critical importance in daily operations. I've developed a deeper sense of environmental responsibility, understanding the significant impact our lab activities can have on the planet. This awareness has driven me to seek innovative solutions and adopt best practices to reduce our environmental footprint while maintaining operational efficiency.

A key lesson I've learned is the value of continuous improvement and process optimization. These initiatives have shown me how small changes in our laboratory procedures and equipment usage can lead to significant reductions in waste and energy consumption. This focus on improvement has not only enhanced the sustainability of our lab operations but has also sharpened my problem-solving skills and ability to innovate. Green lab initiatives has not only contributed to my professional growth but has also aligned my career with a greater purpose: promoting environmental sustainability. I now feel a strong sense of responsibility to advocate for sustainable practices within the laboratory and educate my colleagues on the benefits of these practices. This experience has enriched my professional life and empowered me to make a meaningful impact in my field while contributing to a more sustainable future.​​