Career Development in Health Professions Education
Department for Educational Development (DED) advocates and supports careers and helps to develop leaders in Health Professions Education (HPE) using a multi-pronged approach:
Providing guidance and support for Masters and Doctoral degrees in HPE, opportunities for practice-based applications, and a career path for those who wish to develop into health profession educationists.
Providing guidance and support for a Masters degree in HPE or education to enable the faculty to assume leadership roles. These faculty members may choose to pursue a doctoral degree.

Joint appointments of basic scientists, clinicians and nurse educators with DED
Clinical and basic science medical and nursing faculty are encouraged to hold joint appointments with DED. Faculty members can thus commit significant amount of time towards improvement of health sciences education at Aga Khan University (AKU) in general, and their own educational responsibilities (with medical and nursing students and residents) in particular, whilst pursuing their specialty interests. Faculty are encouraged to build expertise in areas of their own interest, through enhancement of knowledge and skills, pursuing research in that area.
Joint appointments of DED educationist faculty with other departments
Faculty are recruited with interest in medical/HPE with joint appointments in departments as educational coordinators. This provides ideal opportunities for practice-based learning.
The department is interested in developing a series of courses for open learning, continuing education of faculty and the improvement of teaching and learning. Modular instruction is being designed in ways that leads certification, which can lead cumulatively to Advanced Diploma and Masters in HPE. These courses address generic issues with modules from where AKU faculty and other national institutions have an opportunity to practice the principles learnt in their own context, and report back to the learning group.