Certificate in Health Professions Education (CHPE)

​Course Goal:

AKU-CHPE aims to develop proficient educators equipped with basic knowledge and skills relevant to curriculum development, teaching & learning, and assessment strategies tailored to the dynamic landscape of health profession education. Participants will be engaged in evidence-based practices, fostering a deeper understanding through opportunities for application-based learning, thereby contributing to the enhancement of health profession education standards across various institutions.​​

​Duration and requirement​​s:

It is a 6-month blended course with online synchronous & asynchronous modules.​

Objectives of the Course

By the end of the course, the participants should be able to apply the appropriate teaching, learning, and assessment strategies within the framework of competency-based curricula across undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing medical education for various healthcare disciplines. The course is comprised of three modules, each centered around a core component of health professions education. Each module will be opened sequentially. The duration of each module is variable, based on the content within each module. The details are given below.

Module 1: Curriculum Development

Duration: 06 weeks

Module objectives: By the end of this mo​​​dule the participants should be able to:

  • Differentiate between tra​​ditional and outcome-based education

  • Develop smart learning objectives for their respective sessions/ course/ curriculum

  • Discuss the importance of the different steps of curriculum design with Kern’s six steps as a model

Module 2: Teaching and Learning
Duration: 10 weeks
Module objectives: By the end of this module the participants should be able to:

  • Enlist the principles of adult learning.

  • Identify different modes of instruction based on their characteristics and the principles of adult learning.

  • Discuss the components of the BOPPPS lesson plan for effective engagement of learners.

  • Discuss characteristics of Large group and small group learning.

  • Identify relevant clinical teaching models for In-patient/Outpatient settings based on their characteristics.

  • Discuss principles for effective and constructive feedback.

Module 3: Assessment
Duration: 08 weeks
Module objectives: By the end of this module the participants should be able to:

  • Identify appropriate assessment methodology and tools for different competencies and purposes, considering the principles of validity and reliability.
  • Identify the principles of creating a table of specification (TOS).
  • Construct & critique multiple choice question(s) (MCQs). 
  • Construct & critique Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)​

Course Fee:

  • For External AKU Participants:
​​PKR 80,000 + 5% SST = Total: PKR 84,000/=

  • ​​For Internal AKU Faculty Participants:
​PKR 40,000 + 5% SST = Total: PKR 42,000/=

Programme Team:

Asynchonous Modules

Dr Sana Saeed | Director
Assistant Professor & Vice Chair
Dept. for Educational Development and Paediatrics & Child Health
Aga Khan University | Email: sana.saeed@aku.edu

Click to open profile (opens in new window)

Dr Amber Sultan | Co-Director
Senior Instructor
Dept. for Educational Development & Surgery
Aga Khan University | Email: amber.sultan@aku.edu
Click to open profile (opens in new window)

Dr Rabia Aftab | Coordinator
Dept. for Educational Development & Anaesthesiology
Aga Khan University | Email: rabia.aftab@aku.edu

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Synchonous Module

​​Dr Javeria Rehman | Director
Senior Instructor
Department for Educational Development & Pathology
Aga Khan University | Email: Javeria.rehman@aku.edu
Click to open profile (opens in new window)

Dr Shanila Sohail | Coordinator
Senior Instructor
Department for Educational Development
Aga Khan University | Email: shanila.sohail@aku.edu
Click to open profile (opens in new window)


Mr Ahsan Sheikh
Associate, Dept. for Educational Development
Aga Khan University
Phone: (+92 21) 3486-2153